
Who needs happiness?

Positive thinking is sometimes too positive..

To my friend Lou Reed. It was two years ago we lost another legend.

Love is all around.

Truth possible?

A thing of awesome beauty!

The death of a star.

Every star starts it's life as a baby star and dies as a blue star. There are no green stars.

If you moved out of San Francisco you would save close to $2,300 on rent and buy hundreds of goats!

My favorite time is nightwards.

For every homeless person who dies in San Francisco this winter I will light a candle at the city hall to remind them that all lives are equal.

Impossible for you.

Come hither!

Unwanted advice on writing..

Nothing is on time.

Best day ever!

Just in time!

I would rather fly.

Cover your eyes!

I have a secret!

Never a dull moment!

I fell into monster land.

In time all things happen to me..

It happens.

My song.

Super Man finds a way!

Never forget the good that others do, not the cowardly acts of villians.

You have him to be thankful for..

If time travel happens it might occur in fractions of second.

How do you like my ears?

I saw three rainbows three days ago..

Can't happen?

We eventually must face each other.

You got to believe in something good.

Begin again..fractal.

Home is special, and never forget those you love and love you.

A victory possibly.

I am warning writers who are getting paid and are not doing real writing or are writing as tools or cronies or just to sound off.

Suddenly there she was..

Dream for the love..

Too many selfish jerks. Oh well.