
What if the universe could fit into a f ing fish bowl.

Just think...

An arguement was made that TV is just as real as the other world. I can see that sometimes yes.

Perhaps the amount of violence on the planet reflects not only the dying planet and the dying star and galaxy and universe,

So there is a black hole which has nothing, and a universe that appears to have everything, perhaps.

Perhaps life is first then matter and with out life matter would cease to exist and all you would have are suns which might die fast.

0 seconds - Big bang ??!?

Alice expands and shrinks just as we do inside with our ego and she can not be small too much in wonderland and yet it helps to be small sometimes.

Galaxies contain many stars and fade as they die and galaxies fade and die as they reach far out into the universe.

So our fear relates to the universe as any sun if it could think would not want to vanish.

We are composed of star stuff is the popular belief.

Perhaps the identity and ego of an extremist or very religious person explains violence. That reality might vanish with out the fundamentalism people hold onto.

Or if we forgot everything that was important would some of the real world fade unless we feel it with our hands and physical sense organs.