Today is reflective..

And currents in my mind move in new ways
In embracing complexity better with out a head ache
I see that poetry has a huge future more than ever:
I am having a blast writing it and people are reading it!
It is becoming mainstream in maybe 23 countries.
I don't see the novel as a rival, just saved by Tolkien.
Playwriting is less of a threat for me to do another-
It is a very difficult art form.
Music is less mysterious also, but why so much dumb stuff today?
I want to take photos of the most dream like place yet!
Politics looks like a hopeless cause now.
I am happy that I can keep my mind impartial from making impulse judgments.
I am happy to break a bit from cultural holds on my development.
Odd light is seen as better close up than at a distance (New thought)
I hope these religious freedom bigots would go back to the times of the inquisition and leave the present.
