Fwd: Episode four

As if by magic

The world began to twirl

And the goat was bobbing back and forth

His eyes looked like pigions

Hungry for something

Yet completely satisfied

It was a wet and wild ride

Down the grass which became more wild

Flowers shot out in every color
It was not earth

And yet it was

The soil was rich and dark

It smelled so good

So good in fact

That you begin to eat it

As if it were full of lovely stuff

Yet you let it out

All the dirt

Right out of your mouth

And the medal eye stalk weaves around

Spider enters with spinning action

And soon the room is full of passion

To be continued...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Guttman
Date: Friday, November 22, 2013
Subject: Fwd: Episode three
To: "morgangreenster.genius" <morgangreenster.genius@blogger.com>

And out of the ground a light formed

On some giant signaling device

If this is a dream

Just turn off the light

But it is not

And it shines it's light

DIRRECTLY into your eyes

Your heart throngs

The rain beats down

And again you here that song

The goat began dancing along

And the medal eye stalk

Weaved in space

And despite getting soaked

You felt really great!

To be continued...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Guttman
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013
Subject: Fwd: Episode two
To: "morgangreenster.genius" <morgangreenster.genius@blogger.com>

A goat is fun

As it should

And it is

On your magenta boat

As you look out

Letting your eyes move

They cross the horizon

The sun shines mighty

Your compass spins

Glory is felt

As the sails touch the winds

They sing like faeries

You are on your way

The goat has a tiny smile

Winking again

Your mind goes backwards

Rolling with the waters

To some strange memory

When the sky was foggy

And the grass was tall

And things grew oddly

To be continued...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Guttman
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013
Subject: Episode one
To: "morgangreenster.genius" <morgangreenster.genius@blogger.com>

We wondered about the strange glasses that came

Nobody knew how they got there

But there they were

And you put them on

The lenses are badly warped

So no object is visable

As if seeing through thick shards

There is the sky above and clouds

So carefully you look around

The clouds are all made of jelly

And that makes you think about bread

It's like you have bread in your head

And the the storm is here

It blows the ribbons in your hair

You have to go save the crazy animals

They give you a weird look

So you conjure up a boat

You ere not be Noah

You just take your favorite goat

You love this goat

So do your friends and family..

To be continued!
