The ramblings of an unquit mind.

Something began to activate stupidity in me lately. Perhaps I am feeling that life is a bit pointless so I am becoming less pointy, hence the drop in inteligence. Eistien had twenty or thirty years looking for some kind of theory for "Everything" which was an impossible mission to begin with. Perhaps I too should start an impossible mission. Like Obama I could also run for office in California. I could be the first Jewish Bipolar Writer State Senator. Why not? Seems like anything is possible for me. Might as well if I ever get around to it. By the way Einstien was Jewish and Bipolar as is Leanord Cohen, both are likely to be related to me, especially Mr. Cohen, who shares a last name with me. I would like to meet him some day before he dies and let him know that his music really touches my soul.
