Fear is a complex and very modern problem.

Fear is apparent all over the place and in my opinion keeps people down. There is a side of us that gets looked over and paralyzed by this very raw emotion. To live is not to live in fear. To me fear takes away much of the joy that life has to offer. Americans seem to have too much of it, as if taking fear away, would make someone afraid of not having fear. Fear is linked to the word terror. They even sound similar. How can someone feel relaxed and confident when fear is pulsating through your nerves. How lonely we must feel when fear is always making us want to look over our shoulder and worry and freak out. Fear can be the other side of the coin of hate. Fear can be the fuel of blind obsessive ambition. Fear can turn into violence. Fear can make us avoid our problems and escape into meaningless dimensions. Fear can cause suspicions and doubts. What in heck are we so afraid about? I think we are afraid because of the environment. It isn't tranquil and composed like it should be. The warmth of passion remain lost to many, our insecurities consume our minds much of the times and our words seems to reflect an anxiousness. Americans need to relax a bit, to get more settled, I think. With a mind spinning around like a merry-go-round the culture is not only fearful, but stuck in a neurosis. Many Americans could use those precious moments of time, to really unwind. We are getting there. Hopefully since capitalism is in need of some kind of spiritualism. A way of not feeling empty and really having something to say, maybe something unsaid, that we don't have the faith to say. And our tongue gets locked in place almost, what we say has nothing, and we are left feeling alienated.
