I am enjoying this site.

upliftingthoughts.org is making progress, but the pay-off is mainly in terms of hits and views. I do not recieve letters and you can send me one if you look for my email adress on my profile. Financially I am begining to earn like ten dollars a month which is a start. I am going to start putting well paying ads on my site in the future. It is impossible to tell how popular my directory is, but I have some evidence that it is being used by at least some people, maybe a lot. My message has changed over time to include many topics besides feeling good. Perhaps I am feeling good by tackling the issues of our time and trying to make a difference in the world by not just changing attitudes, but by expanding people's awareness. I might even sound ignorant to some people, but I am trying and sometimes I feel like I hit the target on the bullseye. This is worth the most to me. Somethings are priceless truly and no ammount of money can count when matters of high human interest are involved. To me money is really over-estimated in our society, it is necessary, empowering, but we are not Europeans, so in the end money results in a form of tragedy, especially when we start to count on it for everything.
