Our military spending is no laughing matter, and neither is the term, "Military industrial complex"

The term is used often in the case of the United States currently, which has by far the largest arms industry in the world. It is difficult to estimate the degree of dependence of the U.S. economy on its military and defense spending, but it is clearly enormous, and legislators fiercely resist defense cuts that affect their districts. In Washington State, an economist estimated in 2002 that in Western Washington 166,000 jobs, or about 15% of the workforce, depended directly or indirectly on military installations alone, not counting defense industries. In Washington State overall in FY2001, about $7.06 billion arrived in U.S. Department of Defense payroll, pensions, and procurement contracts—and Washington State was only seventh among the fifty states in this regard. Overall, U.S. spending on defense acquisitions and research is equal to 1.2% of the GDP.

Around 50% of our taxes go toward war spending.
Funneling our tax money towards death, destruction, hate and the greedy people who benefit from it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. America is not that bad. Many people in America love living here. Our political system is a bit broken, but it still is a democracy compared with Russia. Americans also are learning, we may stumble, but basically we want what anyone wants for the planet. Eventually I think we will figure stuff out, it just takes some patience.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm optimistic too, but I am afraid that the pentagon and the federal reserve is really controlled by like 50 wealthy families and not by the government at all. That's what the conspiracy theorists say anyway.


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