I realize that I haven't been that uplifting.

I am wondering what I can do in my blogs differently. It's impossible to churn out pure positivity every single day, plus I really do feel that this election is very important. I must say that Hillary isn't as bad as I've demonized her. Maybe I just dislike her because of so many years of negative publicity. Compared to McCain it would be better probably, but I just don't want better, I almost want someone who will kinda refresh things and clean the slate and help us catch up with the rest of the world in the areas where we are behind. Obama seems smart enough and high minded enough to bring about this into reality. I'm not settling with old politicians who are mired in their old political ways that are having us spiraling downwards despite what good intentions these politicians might have. Please consider these words, that not only are politicians needed, but the old establishment of politicians needs to be wiped out soon.
