Questions of all sorts and sizes!

Am I happy?

Considering the challenges I have faces things are acceptable lately, but far from being a paradise.

What changes in the world would I want the most?

I would like to see those that should be punished get punished.  I don't like it when real criminals can get away with many things and atrocities.  I find it even awful that I can fathom a world in which real criminals can get a free pass.

What political thoughts am I daring enough to share?

I don't think demonizing a president is wise.  I imagine this is going on.  Yet like anything political the facts are now hard to find on a lot.

What inspires my currently?

I'm trying to get my finger on what that is, and it's there, but I can't locate it.

What does music mean to me?

I appreciate it more than ever.

How do I feel about people in general?

There is often things that could improve.

What are my feelings/thoughts on science?

Just like a geek, I say that and that is really neat or neato!

Now your profile on  me is complete!  mmm..
