A letter to the youth on the arts (Part One)

No I am not light years older and know a lot about both those younger than me and the history of the arts.  I hate giving advise when it is not asked for but I can't keep myself from commenting about some thoughts and feelings in an order:

- I am strong on the idea that a lot of the arts especially today tend to be a bit mediocre, imiatative, frightening, and using sex and violence excessively.  Production standards are also fairly laughable.  Now and then something escapes from this normal world of the arts.  This has been the case for decades, but it is more true now.  With such a majority even great artists can be beat out of the competition by average artists.  So there you have it.  Keep hunting for the rare diamonds which do indeed exist.  That is my heartfelt advise.

- Remember consuming art is not a life style. Things happen where people meet other people, where people play, and do things together.

- Peer preasure can be intense, but ultimately it is your life, yours, and that is a primary freedom that you have some degree of control of.  That helps make you: YOU!
