During my hyper excelerating prolific writing period of my life (fairly recently)

I must admit I felt I was creating a creation beyond my creation.  Like a spiritual light that would come when the night was darkest.  I would wonder if I was taking much of the world in some new dirrection.  Not through a dirrect message, but through intense creative output mainly.  If what I was doing felt impossible for months on end I kind of knew it might somehow touch universe.  Yet it was never clear if it was the universe shedding light through me or I was just feeling talented.

Oddly this led to an explosion of ideas about the universe based to some degree on astrophysics conversations I had with my dad.  So the universe I was tapping into actually interested some theoretical physcists at a time when the hopes of proving the big bang theory were high.  I had tapped new interest into black holes and compelling almost mystical sounding theory about a duel reality universe where we were the smaller dimension to a much larger one.  Begging the question of how real we are and what we see around us. Begging the question of the stability of what we see with our eyes, and maybe why kids imagine monsters.  It was an amazing ride.  Leonard Shlain a neihbor of mine had written a famous book called Art and Physics which must have been confirmed then.
