There is a rat on the ceiling

Shall we dispose of it said the red midget man

Monster grabbed his face and whispered:

I think we are being watched by something


It is the rat with the big blue eyes again

He is getting inside your head

It is no common mouse

But a fearless rat from the night

Woe and panic what are we to do

Where will hide from such atrocity

Such risk to our well being

Plot then said the mouth on the chair

Thicken a plot so deep and hairy

That rat wink leave in a scurry

That rat that rat

With its long fat pink tail

We must combine minds in a hurry

Seek the offense to the truly offensive

Something to turn it pale and sickly

Now monster let us hurry

The rat looked down

Very human

How awfully human

And the rat said

Boo!  And grinned.

The end
