Heart attack of love.

She wanted a groom
My heart went woom!


  1. Atachment theory. Intensity of possible experience. Possible conflicts and bad behavior. Money issues. Boundry issues.

  2. I think it is the hardest when you really do like the person a lot. Odd as this sounds.

  3. Heart exploding sounds intense. Yep.

  4. I need five months now to carefully look at this after five months of getting squized into this. There is still plenty of gray area.

  5. A reality is that we need love, but in reality it is hard to tell sometimes if people are being real with you.

  6. Love is a form of dance, a dance that takes you deeper.

  7. Marriage can sound creepy in that it is possessive.

  8. Love is the greatest of all things and getting hurt a bit may be a small price to pay for such a sublime experience.

  9. I don't believe there are any happy forever stories. If there are expectations in love that exceed reality than be prepared for heart ache and disapointment. Or get a dog or a cat.

  10. She shows interest, perhaps love, but I am often left hanging.

  11. She loves me, she loves me not..she loves me, she loves me not..

  12. Got it in the heart. The sweet sting. It is sweet though.

  13. When I felt like a peer to her, when I know we would be ripping apart rather than breaking a part, that somethings can not be replaced that mean a lot, that feed my soul, so bending my head to the woman with the sword becomes a real thing.

  14. That feeling in the heart is worth more than anything I can think of at the moment.

  15. There will be some basis in reality as the shift has already been activated.

  16. Power is for the powerful and who would deny that. Corrupt power has that ever happened?? Yep.

  17. Dreams are what love is, is love is all there is.

  18. Just warms like magic when I even think her name.

  19. Love works in a slow deliberate way, not fast and wild.

  20. Words so true that even the sender is speechless. This expresses a true love that is not open for analysis. Do you believe me is not the question, it is easy to see.

  21. I have done perfect, with a few mess ups.

  22. Sometimes people make huge attempts at winning your heart. Some would call that a bad thing to do.

  23. I think she is too smart for her own good sometimes.

  24. Love is in the heart not the marriage agreements people make.

  25. She is a good muse to have and I'm not sure if there is another one I could just easily switch to.

  26. I would feel fine about putting roses in her hair.

  27. Heart as grand crystal. Love in splendor, I do.

  28. She will never feel the same about me accept her love otherwise she is a serious tripped outer

  29. I don't know if I was really a part of the equation.

  30. Reality is hard to love but it is the best when you can.

  31. She better make up her mind soon or someone might grab me.

  32. Seems like actual courtship is like a ping pong learning thing and the odds are nobody wins and that is the point.

  33. There is a true love and then people you want to be but just imagine this and if they are kind people doing no harm and not absolute bores they are something, but even that is getting hard to find! True love is what is there now and that is a cause of being very giddy and dizzy. I know it is awkward and clumsy at times yet there are far far far worse things. Maybe it will get real nice eventually. I'm optimistic now about it.


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