Each Time I fly Into The Sun.

It is not in the way of the sun to cry
For it shines light and love
There is a place inside each one of us
That beats with life
The part of us which lives
That refuses all death
That casts away shadows
Revealing the unseen
For in so doing the universe expands
With every darling seed.

Life sacred skips through crowded streets
Holy is the life that rarely cry's
Eternally grateful of this gift of sight
The power of the mind
Holy like an angel moving at your side
Holy to forgive and let go of it
Surrendering, forgetting, renewing
I say free yourself

Dancing in the winds of time
The muse spills the water on the fire
Fishes turn in circles like a whirl pool
of open caskets
Diamonds make our hearty way
Blasting holy liquid light
Into the day and into the night
Nothing is more holy than life.
