I'm listening to Leonard Cohan right now.

I know there is good chance we are related since one of my family last names is the same. I wonder if there is anything similar in my poetry to his. I think his stuff sounds a bit depressing, but I really like his style. A bit close to mine maybe.


  1. Maybe people are examining my poetry next to his. I have no idea.

  2. People must be fascinated by the blood relationship or this post would not continue to get attention like it has. The other is how despite my intent on modesty and humility I can't stop others from telling me that I don't suck as a writer or artist. It always seems to be the opposite and my normal reaction when getting these compliments is to blush or talk it down. I saw him do the same thing on a video. That's one way of telling that the blood might be there thicker than water. And he sounds almost identical to my cousin David. So I bet some people are not going to be interested in this same last name in both our families and assume that this is really not that interesting at all.

  3. I have never met the man, and have invited him. He never responded. I suppose I can call him a spiritual cousin. I have a feeling he has looked at some of my stuff and sort of rejected me on the basis of something he did not like. Or he simply is a very hard to reach celebrity. The later being the most likely.

  4. I suppose he does help me with the Jewish side of my identity. I forget sometimes that Jews are on par with many other cultures.

    Being Jewish does not mean Isreal or Gheto or Germany for many Jews. Nor does it mean that being Jewish is connected heavily with the religion, nor a long standing seperation from other peoples. There is much interesting history beyond all that!!!

    Most importantly they add something new to the world even if they are a small minority..

  5. Sometimes I feel that he acts like a king. Yet he does have that purple heart quality.

  6. My family is of a different branch actually. We are of the Kaplan tribe.

  7. How do I suddenly become a different person just by saying I am Jewish. I have met plenty of people who were Jewish only by blood and were very American. Like me.

  8. The Kaplan known a Mortichi founded much of American Judaism. Also some Kaplans were also noted for their research in Physics. They have some history in war, but nothing to compare with the Cohens.

  9. I am not him as in we are totally different people and all semblances are probably not that significant.

  10. The thing that grabs me a lot is that there are some signs the he might have looked into me or my sites. Where do people who are not famous as F. Get those folk looking at your writings. Even some powerful people connected with politics. It can get to my head when I believe these things. I am less of a sceptic though at my time in life. You can't depend on everything always being normal. No, you can't.

  11. I suppose there might be some kind of Jewish Spirit that a Jewish artist can get in touch with.

  12. I do like his work and his ability to approach love.


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