Nations rise and fall.

There is a direct connection between the Columbia shuttle disaster, the U.S. reaction to the Twin Towers/Pentagon attacks, and the coming war with Iraq: the arrogance of power.

The Bush Administration believes it has a lock on all wisdom, it knows what is best for us Americans, and for everyone else in the world -- because, as Bush told us in his State of the Union address, America acts in the world under God's divine protection, and he, Bush, is the representative of the nation and thus, we are led to believe, operates under God's aegis as well.

Given this arrogant, we-know-it-all attitude, there was no reason, then, for Bush and his subordinates to listen to the technical experts who warned early last year (1), and even as recently as last August (2) about the disaster-in-the-making for the Space Shuttle and its crews unless certain procedures and processes were fixed. These NASA experts were ignored by Bush and his advisors, and removed from their positions. (See endnotes below for links to those stories.)

And, given this same arrogant tone, there is no reason to listen to the millions of Americans, and to most of our allies abroad, who tell Bush and his war-bent cronies that attacking Iraq at this moment, more or less unilaterally with no U.N -authorized international coalition at our side, is the height of folly, and will bring ruin and chaos not only to Iraq but to the United States as well.

My response:

Obama would be wise to make as much peace as he can with the middle east diplomatically and get the hell out of there. Vietnam should have taught us that these kind of wars are unwinnable and costly in American dollars and lives. Rather than abuse presidential war powers for personal profit we should focus on the economic and other problems in the united states. Largely by stregthening the economic machinery of this country much in the way that India is doing right now. We are all Americans in America and therefore America should be one of our greatest concerns because individualy each one of us is important to the whole wether we can see that are not. Our basic strength being our desire for freedom should be the motivational force for us to unite in creating a more powerful prosperous nation. We are in decline it seems if all the news stories are true. America still has a second chance now and we shouldn't waste it.
