America needs to improve it's economy. This is obvious. I am no econimist and in many ways I'm an optimist, but I'm not sure how Government can just fix the economy. Reagenomics based on Milton Freedman or the right wing has faith in the corperations to make an economy successful. In the last 30 years we have been playing that game, and of course now: disaster. So do we dismiss this model and allow the government to control corperations more or completly. To drive out illegal activity would seem honorable. I am all for this. To tax the wealthy in a more proportionate level to everyone else: absolutly. But the catch is America has a large popualtion with not enough jobs. Jobless people often steal to stay alive, get caught usually, then end up in jail or prison. The cost of keeping a prisoner is greater than keeping someone on welfare, but welfare doesn't pay enough now for the cost of living unless you happen to be a master in survival. So lets just say the jails and prisons swell, who is going to pay to keep them locked up. Not possible because if we do that we don't have enough money to give our children an excelent education. A reality that has already hit California. Now I live in California and am concerned that it is literly going to run out of Government money.
California has many illegal aliens working in agriculture. Let the legals have those jobs and deport the illegals. Money is produced someway, usually by labor, and sometimes through trickery and slavery and illegal activity. Population control reduces a lot of the nasty problems and child welfare is giving many women a free ride. I am not comfortable with this. Americans are very entrepenerual when they are given the chance: Give them the chance. They will create business's and create new jobs. Of course over-sea labor must come back to the US. Military spending which is off the hook could go down a lot and we would still have a very powerful military. This money could be pumped into the economy. Kinsyen econimics which worked in the past could come back. Works projects to fix the ailing infrastrure could be created by the Government. We could train people for diplomacy which America is so weak at, which could have prevented a lot of conflict everywhere. Consumer spending could be manipulated into more diverse spending so everyone benifits. Universities could focus more on creating people who fit better into the work force and gifted people should get better protection in any hostile environments opposed to inteligence. Government can look for areas of economic interest themselves and push various sectors of the economy. Model countries like Germany could be learned from. Also we could learn a lot from more prosperous stable times, like the Eisenhower years. The goverment could create a branch of the government that specializes in risk management. Low performing younger students could be put into trade school instead of going to Universities. The arts should be more uplifting and encouring for greater well being which in turn effects productivity. The fed should learn from the mistakes of Greenspan. Economics programs and research should definitly be expanded. Role models should get a positive message out to the public to create inspiration for others. And lastly we should eliminate much of what keeps many Americans apathetic, and a little nationalism would also be a good thing.
California has many illegal aliens working in agriculture. Let the legals have those jobs and deport the illegals. Money is produced someway, usually by labor, and sometimes through trickery and slavery and illegal activity. Population control reduces a lot of the nasty problems and child welfare is giving many women a free ride. I am not comfortable with this. Americans are very entrepenerual when they are given the chance: Give them the chance. They will create business's and create new jobs. Of course over-sea labor must come back to the US. Military spending which is off the hook could go down a lot and we would still have a very powerful military. This money could be pumped into the economy. Kinsyen econimics which worked in the past could come back. Works projects to fix the ailing infrastrure could be created by the Government. We could train people for diplomacy which America is so weak at, which could have prevented a lot of conflict everywhere. Consumer spending could be manipulated into more diverse spending so everyone benifits. Universities could focus more on creating people who fit better into the work force and gifted people should get better protection in any hostile environments opposed to inteligence. Government can look for areas of economic interest themselves and push various sectors of the economy. Model countries like Germany could be learned from. Also we could learn a lot from more prosperous stable times, like the Eisenhower years. The goverment could create a branch of the government that specializes in risk management. Low performing younger students could be put into trade school instead of going to Universities. The arts should be more uplifting and encouring for greater well being which in turn effects productivity. The fed should learn from the mistakes of Greenspan. Economics programs and research should definitly be expanded. Role models should get a positive message out to the public to create inspiration for others. And lastly we should eliminate much of what keeps many Americans apathetic, and a little nationalism would also be a good thing.
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