I think I'm going to bring back the Fairy Tales.

Nothing really matters.
I feel so alone.
I don’t feel anywhere
Yet I feel a whole bunch.
I feel love
And it’s so strange
That it’s just my own
I feel like I don’t need anyone
That I’m okay with that
Because if people love me
Then I will know about that
And if I’m just some guy
I’m alright with that
The controversy is hardly worth investigating
Nobody wants to make much effort it seems
I feel so goth
Like the world was so much of a scorched landscape
What use is power?
Even the power of love,
Is it something we know how to wield?
Do we just use it to stir up the field?
To sow our seeds for our glory,
What effort for the God of Clamor
Nothing is won
That is won by force
In force evil
In life
The avoiding of it
The escaping
To get closer
To an intimate
In the intimate
There is beauty.
