Change today and tommarow for the future is bright!

Happy New Year!
Don't worry, you haven't received an outdated message 20th March 2008 is the real start of the New Year. It marks the completion (and therefore the end and a new beginning) of Earth's revolution around the Sun. At 05.48GMT on 20th March the Sun aligns precisely with the Equator, and day and night are of equal length in both hemispheres.

If you made a resolution in January that fell by the wayside, or you just feel generally stuck, as if 2008 hasn't moved you forward in any way, then not only do you get a second stab at it but I have even better news; this Equinox (Equi Equal, Nox Night) is particularly potent as the Moon is also closing in on its monthly opposition with the Sun, completing a half cycle of our planet on the 21st at 18.40 GMT. This is the Full Moon, a time of maximum illumination. We also have a Sun Pluto square, renowned for kick starting major change.

So in honour of this potent celestial line up I am going to offer you a poem and hope you'll seize the power of this pivotal moment. Today is the first day of the rest of the year but it's also the first day of the rest of your life:

The day now dawning may be for you, the day when all your dreams come true, who knows? This day may prove to be the turning point of destiny. This very day may be the door, to what your heart has waited for. The thing you built your hopes upon, may come before this day has gone.

The morning may not augur well. Life's like that, you never can tell. A cloudy awning dull and grey may hide the light of a golden day. The magnet in the mind can bring, your footsteps to the very thing, you've longed and prayed for hour by hour. Faith is rewarded, a secret power is given to those who say,

I believe and this is my day
